
Tea Tips

April 28, 2024

I’m Amanda.
The AWH Guide to all things health. With two doctorates and a background in healthcare I provide recommendations you can trust. 
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In honor of our trip in the United Kingdom, I wanted to write about tea time. I am an avid tea drinker.  From afternoon tea at the Mandarin Oriental in New York City (trust me, it is worth the visit to see those views – and enjoy some delicious nibbles), to a morning chai latte, I love the flavor profiles and variety that comes with a cup of tea.

I might be one of the only healthcare providers that I know who does not drink coffee. I have no issue with coffee – it smells divine, but it has never been something that I craved. Instead, I turn my attention towards the multiple flavor profiles that can be unleashed with a simple tea bag.

While I love my tea, I have realized that many are not as familiar with the nuances of brewing a perfect cup, what tea benefits from milk vs not, etc. If you have ever been curious, or think tea is not for you, then please read on …

Water Temperature Matters

It took me years, many bitter cups of green tea, and a trip to China to finally master the art of water temperature. Every tea has a very specific brewing point, and to properly enjoy the subtle nuances of each tea you want to ensure you brew to the correct temperature:

Green tea –  175 to 180 degrees

Black tea – 212 degrees (full boil)

Matcha – 175 degrees

Pu-erh tea – 190 degrees

Herbal tea – 212 degrees (full boil)

I use this electronic tea kettle to ensure temperature accuracy. It is easy to use, has lasted me YEARS, and I am always able to brew the perfect cuppa.

How to drink:

Green tea – best plain (no milk).

Black tea – I like to add a non-dairy milk (almond, oat or soy).

Matcha – my favorite brand is this matcha. I like to add a cacao wafer + almond milk and froth to perfection in my milk cafe frother. It makes the most deliciously smooth drink!

Pu-erh tea – this used to be my wintertime comfort tea, but I now stock up on it to enjoy year round! I add a splash of non-dairy milk, and sometimes a little date syrup to make it feel like a decadent treat.

Herbal teas – best plain.

Sources Count

As with most things, if available, organic is best chemicals and pesticides can sneak into any soil. When purchasing tea, I encourage you to consider where it was sourced and how it was extracted. Also, storage is important. In a recent study by the NIH and University of Southern California, researchers report that PFAs (those pesky forever chemicals) can leech into your body via dietary sources including plastic tea bags. I prefer to only consume tea that is stored in a tin can, paper, or an environmentally friendly, microplastic free package.

Art of Tea

I purchase my tea from the Art of Tea. They are an industry leader for producing organic, quality, sustainable, and delicious teas. I have used their teas for over a decade and cannot recommend this company enough. Even though we just returned from almost two weeks in England, the land of tea, I still traveled with the Art of Tea for my morning brew. I love this product that much.

My favorite flavor is their Dark Chocolate Peppermint. Subtle, but delicious flavors that make me think I am consuming a dessert, yum! I add a splash of almond milk, some cinnamon and blend to create a frothy, tasty latte.

For 10% off the Art of Tea use the code: AOTAFFILIATE10


I would be remiss for not having a section dedicated to my favorite tea of all – a chai latte. “Chai” is the Chai tea mixIndian term for a tea that is made from tea leaves with milk and spices. I am a chai connoisseur  and regularly seek out new coffee or tea shops to find the right blend. Chai is often made with sugar, and I prefer to limit my sugar intake, which makes finding this perfect blend all the more challenging.

My favorite mix at home – or on the road – is Clevr chai. This vegan version of a chai latte, makes a smooth, creamy mix full of adaptogens to provide stress support. To save $20 use this link. I travel with both my Clevr Chai and Art of Tea teas – they are that good!

AWH Tips

  • This is my favorite mug to bring to work. Great size, keeps my tea at a perfect temperature and fits in my car holder with ease.
  • I love green tea in the morning, but sometimes it is just too hot in my mug (love the stainless steel, but it does not lose heat). To counter, I throw in one ice cube – it is the perfect remedy to keep my tea at a drinkable temperature.

The chai class, moments before our hike where we got engaged!


A final fun fact: On the day I got in engaged in Santa Fe, Quentin and I took a chai class before we went on a hike where he proposed. Right after the class I told him this was the best day of my life (he knew chai lattes were the way to my heart), and little did I know that day was about to get even better!

Happy sipping!





As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases which helps to support future AWH posts. I only share products that I personally own, use and love.

in good health,
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