
Sleep-Inducing Sheets

March 21, 2024

I’m Amanda.
The AWH Guide to all things health. With two doctorates and a background in healthcare I provide recommendations you can trust. 
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Since launching the AWH Health Course one of the top questions I have received are what sheets do I recommend. As I am a big proponent of organic, natural fabrics, I wanted to share my two favorite sheet brands: Cozy Earth and Sister Moons.

Why Organic

As with my any food or products that  I bring into my home, I try to limit toxins as best I can. This same principle extends to the sheets on our bed. Traditional cotton products are often grown with pesticides, and can be laden with chemicals. Compound this with the fragrances and chemicals found in laundry detergents, and it is no wonder that many people experience symptoms of allergies, skin irritations, or lack a good nights sleep. For more on how I launder our clothing and sheets read here.

For non-toxic sheets look to purchase organic cotton, bamboo, linen or silk. While I prefer silk pillowcases (they help to decrease wrinkles, frizz, and split ends), for our bed sheets I opt for either bamboo or organic cotton. They help with themorgualtion (will run cooler), are hypoallergenic, more environmentally sound (yay), and safe for your children.

Cozy Earth

Cozy Earth are the softest sheets I have ever slept on, including 5 star hotels. While they are a luxury item, their sustainability easily makes up for the cost. Of note, Cozy Earth does not bill as organic, however they follow a very clear, and sustainable path of using conscientious, environmentally-friendly farming practices that yield high-quality, natural results.

Our first set of of Cozy Earth sheets is over 5 years old, and even though we frequently wash them, we have yet to see any piling, snags in the material, etc. Sleeping on them creates a spa-like experience that induces a very splendid slumber.

Sister Moons

Sister Moons products are 100% organic cotton which yield a soft, durable sheet that come in gorgeous block printed colors. Their products are beautifully packaged and I appreciate that this female-owned company is family focused.

My toddler absolutely adores her Sister Moons sheets and she frequently selects them for her sleepy slumber. As a mother, it brings me peace and comfort to know that she is resting her head on safe, organic cotton that will promote not only healthy dreams, but her overall health as well.

Sleep well!

As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases which helps to support future AWH posts. I only share products that I personally own, use and love.

in good health,
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