
Protein Balls

October 31, 2023

I’m Amanda.
The AWH Guide to all things health. With two doctorates and a background in healthcare I provide recommendations you can trust. 
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AWH protein ball recipe

I have made protein balls for decades, tweaking my recipe depending on the ingredients at hand. In fact my original recipe is still in the back of my daily planner so that I can reference it whenever I need.

There are so many ways and variations to take with this delicious snack. I cannot recall my first exposure to a recipe so to whomever was the OG of creating protein balls, and sharing them on the internet – thank you!

What really takes these delectable bites to the next level is to process the ingredients in a food processor. This is the food processor I use. However, if you don’t have a food processor, you could always mix the dry ingredients in a dry blender or just hand mix. Truly, you cannot go wrong!



1 cup rolled oats (I use gluten-free)

1/3 cup honey (vegan option use maple syrup or agave nectar)

1/2 cup organic nut butter (my favorite is almond or peanut)

1/4 cup flax seed

1/4 cup shredded coconut

——–Stir In

1-2TB chia seeds (depending on your taste)

~ 1/3 cup mini-chocolate chips (I prefer dark minis)


1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Protein balls mixed in food processor

I mix the oats, honey, nut butter, vanilla extract, flax seed and coconut in a food processor until smooth. Usually a few pulses, scraping down the sides as needed.

Then I stir in the chia seeds and mini-chocolate chips with a spatula.

Mixing in dark chocolate chips
Mini chocolate protein balls

Roll into mini balls, ~1 inch, and store in the fridge. I like to use these glass containers for storing food products. 

They keep for up to a week – if they last that long! These are an all ages favorite in my household, and make a great mid-morning or afternoon snack.


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I only share products that I personally own, use and love. 

in good health,
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