Detox Tips

Detoxed Dentistry

Organic Toothpaste

February 18, 2024

I’m Amanda.
The AWH Guide to all things health. With two doctorates and a background in healthcare I provide recommendations you can trust. 
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A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good dental care.

~Wayne Chirisa

Disclaimer: I grew up in a family focused on oral hygiene. My father is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon – a fascinating field that provided my first exposure to healthcare. I have always been intrigued by the field of dentistry and used to follow my father to work, on rounds, in the operating room. At home I would listen to him describe complex cases and watch him craft delicate drawings and models in anticipation of upcoming operations. It was a childhood filled with a first-hand seat to the inception of a passion that became my career.

Fortunately, growing up in a family focused on health, brushing our teeth 3x day and foregoing sugary cereals, candy, snacks, etc. helped path the way for me to have good oral hygiene later in life. As in other disciplines the field of dentistry has continued to evolve to encompass holistic and biologic dentistry. These dental practices focus on lower radiation x-rays, alternatives to root canals, and treating the person holistically from the inside out. Waiting in the dental chair for the dentist

I personally have a family dentist whom I respect and have worked with for years – and while he is not a holistic dentist, his practice style resonates with me. However, if you are embarking on a pathway towards better health, know that alternatives exist even in the world of dentistry.

Toothpaste Matters

My sister first introduced me to environmentally friendly and holistic toothpastes and I have never used a drug store brand since. My personal favorite is Risewell which is a mineral toothpaste using hydroxyapatite which remineralizes and protects your tooth enamel. It is fluoride and paraban-free and we use the kids version for our toddler. The flavor for children is cake batter and brushing teeth has never been a struggle in our household. I also love the mouthwash.

Another brand we alternative with at home is Bite Toothpaste Bits. What sets Bite apart is that they are environmentally sound. They come in a glass jar so there is no plastic toothpaste tube to navigate or dispose of, thereby decreasing exposure to micro plastics in the world. You just bite down on the mint, add water to your toothpaste and boom, you are ready to brush your teeth. They come in fluoride or flouride free options and are also chemical free.

AWH Tip: I keep Bite mints in my work bag for those days I don’t get the chance to brush my teeth after lunch.

Appliance Cleaning

If you are a retainer, night guard, or other dental appliance wearer, it is crucial that you not only clean your appliance, but that you do so with the healthiest option possible. In my house, we use Zima Dental, which harnesses the power of ultrasonic waves to clean your appliance. Your appliance will feel as hygienically clean as if it just left the dentists office. I also love to add the tablets to provide an extra minty freshness to the cleaning.

AWH Savings: Use this code: ZQI8HFPAE2 for 10% off any ZIMA Dental Products!

Oil Pulling

An Ayurvedic practice that has been around for thousands of years. Some benefits include:

  • decreasing bacteria and plaque in your mouth
  • excreting toxins from the body including heavy metals
  • improving gum health
  • freshening breath
  • whitening teeth

Simply take 1 tsp of coconut oil (I like to use this brand), swish in your mouth for ~15-20 minutes. You can start with 5-10minutes if the full 20 feels like too much at first.

Try to “pull” through your teeth … as this will get more bacteria, and as an added benefit the physical act of “pulling” is a form of facial calesthetntics which helps to tone your skin!

Then spit out into the trash (do not spit in the sink as it can clog your sink over time), brush your teeth and you are set for the day!

AWH Tip: DO NOT SWALLOW the oil – you are pulling toxins out of your body and you want to remove them from your body in the trash, not ingest them further.

I will be honest this is a practice I have waxed and waned on over the years. Sometimes I am great at doing it daily, or even weekly … other seasons of life I’ve gone months. However, I love having this holistic remedy in my arsenal of tips to promote good health. Some times that I have felt more drawn to oil pulling are when I feel like I am getting sick, or was exposed to someone sick. It is a way to add an extra layer of protection to my immunity, by removing toxins from my body which in turn, set me up to be more resilient.

No matter what option you choose above, know that oral health is the key to good health!

As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases which help to support AWH. I only share products that I personally own, use and love.

in good health,
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