I'm Amanda. Anesthesia Expert, Speaker, Author, Mother, Coach, and Health Advocate.

I am passionate about helping others live their best life! AWH provides real-world, research-based tips to help you find balance. With 20+ years of healthcare experience I have done the research and personally know what is needed to not just survive but THRIVE!

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Amanda Ward Health 

Ready To Finally Find
Work/Life Balance?

Are you burned out? Sleep deprived? Overwhelmed? As a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) I have covered everything from holiday night shifts, to 16 hours in the OR. I am also a working mother and know firsthand the stress and pressures many of us face on a daily basis. With two doctorates and a Health Coach Certification, I have studied, and implemented, practices to ensure my life is toxin-free. Through evidence-based research and personal exploration I have learned small ways to bring balance into my life and want to share those health tips with you! 

The Podcast


A fresh voice and trusted source for health-related information will launch soon!
Sign-up to be the first to know when the AWH Podcast drops! 

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The Course


Enjoy my signature course specifically designed and curated to help you build a solid foundation of health - from the inside out! 

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The Blog


From parenthood to detoxing your home, feng shui to plant-based recipes, there are bound to be areas that speak to you, and if not, let me know! I am always happy research a new topic.

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Helping you find balance and know your 

I am passionate about healthy living from the inside out. Health does not mean a number on the scale, rather it is knowing you have the tools to show up for yourself and live life on your terms.
Let me show you the AWH way!

My services

Top resources

Plant Based Nutrition

Curious about plants? Check out my Shopping List to stock a Plant-Based Kitchen.

AWH Favorites

My "favorites" from clean beauty to clean living, baby products to nutrition.
Plus, the resources I follow and trust! 

Recommended Books

These books have influenced all aspects of my life: spiritually, mentally and physically. 10/10 recommended. 

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My education and experience as a Health Coach have taught me the importance of filling my cup first before I care for others. Self-care provides a resiliency to handle life's stressors, no matter what the day brings. I desire to help you fill your cup, armed with tips and tools, to implement AWH self-care practices into your own life! 

About me


My Top 5 Tips To Start Your Day

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind."

~ C.S. Lewis

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What is QT Breast Imaging QT stands for three-dimensional Quantitative Transmission (QT) ultrasound imaging. QT imaging uses transmission ultrasound and reflection ultrasound to provide volumetric 3D images. It is FDA cleared which means the manufacturer has demonstrated that QT imaging is a substantial equivalent to another legally marketed device. QT is 40x the resolution of […]

The Latest on the Blog —

Breast cancer image

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“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Disclaimer: This information is not medical advice. Part of what I am sharing falls outside of radiology and surgical oncology guidelines, recommendations, and “standard of care.” *Please consult your own health provider (hopefully […]

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Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. ~Lao Tzu Two months ago I attempted a digital detox to see the effects. I removed all email from my […]

No spam ... just real world, authentic, feasible tips from one professional to another! 

A healthy life is a balanced life.
Through blog posts and my Healthy Habits Course we will break down the AWH Principles of Health into actionable tips focused on detoxing your home, creating sustainable habits, and enriching your environment. 

Small, daily changes will help you lead to a more balanced life and fulfilled life! 

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Follow along for encouraging thoughts, meal ideas, and real world advice. 
